Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sweet Treat Box

You all know that my sweet little sis is getting married and I have been busy getting organized for that. I made this box and she loved it so I am going to make a bunch (I believe 150 of them to be exact) for the candy bar they are having at the reception - how good is that going to be!
An other cute box which is going to be great for the little treats that it will hold!
  • base cut 7 X 7 square
  • score at 2 1/16 on all sides
  • Lid, DSP 6X6
  • score at 1 1/2 on all sides
  • add your embellishments on the top (I used the Flower Patch stamp set at framelits, love it!)
  • Ta Da a cute little box!
I am going to modify it to make smaller ones for the boys to take to school for Halloween treats - should be fun and for sure I will share that with you all too!

DeeLitefully Yours,