Saturday, August 23, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

I have decided not to post a card today because I am hoping you all will share some of your creations with me because ...

Today is my birthday!

Although I am not liking getting older I am handling it better this year than I have the last few years (still not gonna tell you how old I am!) Today we are heading to Calgary for the day. We are going to stay with my beautiful cousin Maddy and her family and take the kids to zoo. Then have a glass of wine (or in my case tea) and visit for the night. It is going to be a great day and a wonderful way to start to wind down the summer.

This coming week is a going to be busy, hubby has his birthday in four days, my mother in law is coming to visit and I am hosting a party for my wonderful husband next weekend, and then it will be getting the kids back to school. Hard to believe that summer is almost over!

I have made a decision about my blog here too. I am going to be cutting back a little on the posts. I am finding it hard to keep up with great cards for you guys and still have time for my boys and the other crafts that I like to do. So I will be posting a little less. Card making should be fun right? And I have been getting stressed about it and I don't want it to become "work" I am sure you will all understand but I will have some great cards for you over the coming week and you will be able to order from the Holiday Catalogue this week too! Woo hoo!!

Have a great day all and I will be sure to eat a lots of cake!!

DeeLitefully Yours,