Monday, June 30, 2014

Lots of Dots - again

When you make a card that you love, you want to keep coming back to it and make it again and again and again. That is how I feel about the Lots of Dots card posted late last month. I keep coming back to it so this time I switched it up a bit and angled the squares and the card takes on a whole new feel!
The squares are cut 1" and the dots are punched out with the 3/4" punch and don't forget to use those dimensionals as it gives the dots a punch!

I promise I will be doing longer posts soon - we are doing lots with Mum and Dad and later this week we are heading to Drumheller for a few days - so once things calm down I will make sure to make my posts longer!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Modge Podge

I have spent some time going through my scarps and I am trying to use up what I have instead of cutting into new paper. I put this card together pretty quickly and using DSP I had lying around and some other shapes that had been punched out for me. For this card I added a bit of a twist, I asked my boys to help me with it! It was so much fun! They had fun putting the pieces together and gluing it all down. Boo had the most fun and was able to stay at it the longest. After a bit of time (and argument)this is the card that the three of them came up with - pretty neat eh?

Dee-Lited you came today

Saturday, June 28, 2014

White Space

The card for today was modified from a design I got from my Upliner. This is a perfect card for the man in your life - yeah an other masculine card! I am starting to like cards that have white space and have to catch myself to not "fill it in". Sometimes empty space makes the card even better! With a card like this any lettering could be used and an scraps of paper  you have left over from other cards.
I also don't tend to use Basic Black a lot but with Bermuda Bay it really gives a punch!

Well Mum and I are heading to a quilt show today so I am going to sign off now, but have creative weekend!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Friday, June 27, 2014

End of School

Well its the last day of school - and I couldn't be happier about it! I am so ready for relaxing and not rushing in the mornings. And today, my parents come too!! What a great day!
So quick post for today, here is the finally tally for teacher gifts and treats for the kids. Four teacher gift - box with four cards in them so 16 cards, and 40 treat bags for the kids! It has been a busy week getting these ready and I am happy with how they turned out and better yet the kids are excited to give them to their friends.
Have a Dee-Liteful Day

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Quick one today all, last day of school tomorrow and we pick up my parents as well! Same card layout as yesterday but as you can see I changed the colour and punch! And doesn't it really change the look of the card? So quickly here are the colours, from the top; Pear Pizazz,  Garden Green and Mossy Meadow (loving the new In Colors!)

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Star Streak

This card couldn't have been faster to make! And it is one of my favourites! Change the sentiment and it could be used for anything! Tomorrow I will be posting a variation of this card and you will see how a few quick changes make the card so different!

I used Crumb Cake as my background, which is such a great colour to use for background because it goes with everything! I used the Work of Art Stamp Set to make the streaks and my Stamp-a-ma-jig to get perfect placement. The colours used, starting from the top, are Pool Party, Coastal Cabana, and Lost Lagoon. Used the same paper and my Star Framlits and I was done.

Quick tip: I think I have said this before but i am going to say it again! Make two of your cards, so you can give one away and keep one to reference or show to someone else!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hexagon Hello

 So LOVING this card!! I was actually tidying up my table when I put these four colours together; Delightful Daffodil, Pool Party, Whisper White and Early Espressso, and just had to stop and whip up a card. I decided to use a black base for this one and went with the Gorgeous Grunge stamp set to make the background again (something I think I will be doing a lot of! It just loans itself to backgrounds and adding just a little bit more)
Net pulled out my trusty, Six sided sampler stamp set and punch, punched a few out a couple, added some dimensionals and cotton ribbon (have you used the new cotton ribbon yet? It is amazing and you will be seeing more of it in my projects - the colours choices are awesome!) And guess what? I am on a roll! This could be used as an other masculine card!!

Have a Dee-vine Monday!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Make a Wish

 An other clean crisp card for you today. Real Red and Tempting Turquoise were my colors today. I think this makes such a sharp color combo and such a strong impact! An other masculine card I think! Also got to use my new Big Dots embossing folder and I can see myself using it A LOT!
Couple things I wanted to point out today. I used my new stamp set, Gorgeous Grunge, to make a background splash on the sentiment. it just adds a little something and I am trying to use items that are out of my "comfort zone" I also added the "stitching" along the edge of the card and it just gives a little bit more, don't ya think?

Well an other fast card, that I am very happy with

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Clean and Bright

Quick post today! Whipped this card up in no time! Clean and bright and could always add more to the "white space". I asked Boo if he thought it needed more and he said it was perfect the way it was. I used a colour combination today - Cherry Cobbler and Delightful Daffodil. Don't they go great together? Stamped in Early Espresso, added an embellishment (something I haven't used before) and I was done!

Hope you all enjoyed this and all enjoy the first day of SUMMER!!!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Friday, June 20, 2014

Fun Fold Friday

 Back with an other Fun Fold Friday and I LOVE this card!!! How cool does this look? And bonus - it is masculine!! Notice the stamping I did on the inside so when you fold it you see some fun on the inside too!
 Super easy and quick so here we go!
  • Start with your card and score on the diagonal of the front
  • Add your DSP to the two "triangles" you just made
  • With the Big Shot, cute two circles with complimentary colours
  • stamp your sentiment or image on the smaller circle
  • glue on the bottom right half of the circle and attach to the lower triangle
  • DONE!
This card is so versatile and the look would completely change with the paper and the shape you use for the sentiment (I am going to try it next with the Deco Labels and I am sure it will be Dee-vine!)

Have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you later
Dee-Litefully Yours,

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Treat Holder

So my middle son, Tank (this is a nickname obviously) has his last day of preschool today so I made these cute little treat holders for him to give to his friends are school.
  • one sheet of DSP with a strip of Sticky Strip down oneside, roll into a toilet paper tube
  • Add sSticky strip to the inside of one short end and pinch close (if you have a crimper you can crimp the end
  • Turn the roll 90degrees and crimp
  • punch two holes in the top and stick your ribbone through
  • add your sentiment and you are done
I have put a small box of Smarties in each one. And of course, Boo (my oldest and also a nickname) sees them and asks if I will make some for him to take. So I have 10 done and I am now working on 25 more! I am really glad they are quick and easy!!!

Have a Dee-Litefully Day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


At our Team Meeting a few weeks ago now (where does the time go??) I got a chance to play with the new Blendabilities markers. These markers come in a pack of three, a light, medium and dark in the same shade. I am not a "marker" person and haven't ever really used markers with my card making or scrapbooking except to journal or write something in a card. I am going to be honest with all of you - I am not completely sold on them. There is a definite technique to using them and they are going to take practice. You can either start with the dark and go to light (which is what I did) or you can start with the light and go to the dark. They aren't available to customers yet - August is what I heard last, but i am going to get a few of the colour options, so I will play with them and see if I can get a feel for them.
Have a Dee-Liteful Day

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Colour Cards

I went to my team Meeting last week and got this card set as a gift from my Upliner Sherry - thank you!! I LOVE THEM!!!

They are so simply made but give a big bunch. See how the Colour Chart I shared yesterday would have been helpful in making these cards? I love how each card shows four different shades of each colour family - and how they aren't all from the same colour group (ie. Brights, Regals etc) The ribbon used is the new grosgrain ribbon in the catalogue in the new In Colors - I am totally lovin these new colours and can't get enough of them!

Thanks again Sherry for these great cards and to all of you have a Dee-Litefully creative day!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Awning Card

This card took a little more time to do but I love how cute it looks! I tried a new technique with this one and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. This would have to be a birthday card for a little girl I think - it is very pink!
  • So Saffron card base
  • Blushing Bride 5 1/4 X 4
  • the "awning" is cute 4 1/2 X 3 3/4, watching the direction of your design score 1/2 on the bottom and 1" from the top
  • Sahara Sand is cut 3 1/4 X 2 1/2
  • Whisper White 3 1/8 X 2 3/8
  • For the stamp set instead of stamping like I normally do, I used the Stamp Write markers and coloured the different sections of the stamp - a trick: when you have all the colours on give the stamp a few puffy of air to "wet" the ink again then stamp and your image will appear sharper.
  • added some two-way glue and some glitter and I was done
A new technique used and I gotta say I am happy with the results. It did take longer but if you aren't in a rush why not give it a try?

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Sunday, June 15, 2014


I wanted to apologies to all of you. Apparently Blogger has been having a few issues and posts aren't going up! I am sorry for the inconvenience and hopefully they will get it fixed soon!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Star Card

Thought I would share a card I designed today. Here is an other quick 5 minute card! So fast and changing the DSP would give the card a new look. I like to keep "Just Because" cards on hand and send them out to family and friends to let them know I am thinking of them. It is so nice to get mail that isn't a bill and it really just lets them know I care. So easy and quick!
  • Start with your card base, I used Chocolate Chip for mine
  • DSP cut at 5 1/2 X 3 (use which ever you have lying around!)
  • Add your ribbon and tie a knot or bow, add the ribbon over the "seam" of the DSP to cover it up
  • Punch out the stars, add dimensionals
  • Stamp Sentiment and you are done!
Dee-Litefully Yours,

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Flower Frenzy

 An other Team Meeting card today. For this team meeting we had a Shoe Box swap, which is where a couple of the other demonstrators designed cards and we got to Make and Take the cards that they designed. This card was designed by Shelia and, you guessed it, uses In Color. How much do I love the Blackberry Bliss and Hello Honey? SOO MUCH! For this card we placed the oval cut out on top of the white background and then we ran both of them through the Big Shot - makes a great effect and makes it look like there is a window there.
Looking at the side view you can see that this card is folding along the short edge making it s a taller vertical card - just changes it up a little bit doesn't it? I curled the ends of my big flower a bit to give it a bit more dimension and pop.

A great meeting and an other great card!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Clean In Color

Here is a card that we made at the Team Meeting last week. Isn't this a clean looking card? It goes to show you that you don't need to add a bunch of "stuff" to make a beautiful card. Again this card uses In Colors (all of cards are using these colours and I LOVE that!) I have never thought of using ribbon in this way before and I am going to start. It is a great way to show off ribbon but not have to use a lot of it - and as we all know I am not very good at tying! The postage stamp punch as well as the Itty Bitty Punch set some rhinestones and we were done. This card is so versatile just change the sentiment and you could have any number of cards. What do you think - could this be used as a masculine card?

Have a Dee-Litefully creative day


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Colour Chart

I was looking at the Stampin Connections website (a website for demonstrators to share ideas, ask questions card swaps etc) and found this colour chart and thought it was brilliant! It shows all the new In Colors and how they "fit" in with the other colours we have to offer. (Have you noticed I spell Colour two different ways? Being Canadian (EH!) I have always spelled it c-o-l-o-u-r, but Stampin Up is American so they spell it c-o-l-o-r, gotta say it is hard to make myself spell it "their" way)

I encourage you to print it off and keep it handy as it can give you new color combos that you haven't thought of - there are quite I few that I wouldn't have thought of.  Later this week I am going to show you some cards using this chart for colour options.

Have a Dee-Liteful day


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dino Card

I should be getting my NEW catalogue items today and I am SOO excited! Can't wait to get in there and make some exciting new cards to show you!!
I bought this retired Dino stamp set in April for my son's 5th birthday and needed to make a card for a friends son. So I brought is out again and made this card for him! Love it!
  • Whisper White card base
  • Basic Black 5 1/8 X 3 7/8
  • Bermuda Bay 5 X 3 3/4
  • Whisper White 5 X 2 1/4
  • Hello Honey 2 3/4 circle punch
  • Whisper White 2 1/2 circle punch
  • DSP flags, 1/2 wide and what length you would like
  • Add your stamps and you are done (don't forget the envelope!)
When you make your cards don't forget to play with the inside of the card and the envelopes too!

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mini Monday

An other fun day coming your way! Mini Monday! I am going to show you some quick and easy 3X3 cards. You will see the possibilities that you can do with such a small card, something I am also just learning to do!

This card was sent to me by my Upliner and I think it is super cute! There is so much going on in such a small space however, it isn't overwhelming. I am actually starting to think that Bermuda Bay might be becoming one of my go to colors! It goes with so many other colors!

There you have it Mini Monday. Mini card and a mini post

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Sunday, June 8, 2014

One fish, Two Fish, Three Fish

This is going to be a quick post today guys, sorry. I whipped up this card super quickly and I am happy with how it all turned out. Bonus! Masculine card!
  • Very Vanilla card base
  • Cajun Craze 5 1/4 X 4
  • Night of Navy 5 1/4 X 2 1/2
  • Baked Brown Sugar 5 1/4 X 2 and run it through the Big Shot with your favourite embossing folder
  • Two pieces of ribbon 6"
  • Circle punches 1 3/4 (Cajun Craze) and 1 1/4 (Whisper White)
  • Stamp and done!
Have a Dee-Litefully wonderful day!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

New Classes Added!

Be sure to check out my classes! I have added a few new ones! You can email or call me if you would like to participate!

To-Go options available for all my classes. You will receive all the supplies to make the cards, a sheet of instructions you will just have to do your stamping. Add approximately $5 for shipping.
Kards and Kids
June 20
Come and join me for some cards and kids! Bring your kids over to run and play and I will have coffee (or tea) and a couple of Make and Takes for you to do.
RSVP by June 18th
Christmas In July Buffet
July 25
930-1130 or 7-9pm
$35 or class fee waived if $50 order placed
Want to get a head start on your Christmas cards? Want a last chance to use items from the carry over Christmas catalogue? Come and join me for Christmas in July! We will make 6-8 different cards giving you a head start on Christmas!
RSVP  July 10

Have a Dee-Liteful Day

Super Dog

Very quick post today guys I am going on a Quilt Store Shop Hop today but wanted to post a quick card first. I got this card from an other Rep and love the colors that she used. This is the perfect card to send to a little boy.
  • Bermuda Bay card base
  • DSP 5 1/2 X 4
  • Tie ribbon around the entire card (it adds something to the inside as well)
  • Basic Black cut at 3 1/2 X 2 1/2
  • Whisper White 3 3/8 X 2 3/8
Stamped and done!

Have a great day!
Dee-Litefully Yours,

Friday, June 6, 2014

5 more minutes

An other 5 minute card for today! I CASEd this card from a friend (thank you Donna!) Easy and quick and the look would change depending on the color or DSP that you use!
  • card base is Pear Pizzazz
  • Whisper White 5 1/4 X 4
  • Use your scallop border on the corners
  • Cut the DSP 5 X 2 1/2 glue it on the bottom half
  • Tie a knot in the Chevron ribbon add to your card
  • Sentiment and a few color dots and you are done
There you have it. Done and done.

Dee-Litefully Yours,

Thursday, June 5, 2014


This was a fun card to make! And way easier than it looks! Used some of the new DSP - which you can buy now!! So here lets get to it!
  • Mossy Meadow 5 1/4 X 4"
  • Very Vanilla cut at 5 X 3 3/4" and use the scallop punch along the bottom edge
  • Cut two squares of the Mossy Meadow 2 5/8 X 2 5/8, glue these together to make your base for the pinwheel
  • Cut 8 pieces of DSP 1 1/4 X 1 1/4
  • place them on the pinwheel tucking them behind each other *hint don't glue down squares until you have placed three of them down. Use your TomBow glue and just tack down the ends of the squares, once you have them all placed then use more TomBow to fully glue them down*
  • Add a pearl jewel to the centre
  • Put some dimensionals on the back add your sentiment and you are done
There you have it. Easy!
Now go and get creative!
Dee-Litefully Yours,

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Vanilla Dahlia

Cards don't get much easier than this! So easy, yet so elegant. Once again using a favourite, Regarding Dahlias!
  • Very Vanilla card base then 5 1/4 by 4" of Very Vanilla
  • Stamp Regarding Dahlia in Basic Black as well as the sentiment
  • A strip of bakers twine with gold
  • Add dimensionals to the back of the and you are done!
Dee-Litefully Yours,

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Masculine Card

 Masculine cards seem to be harder to make so I am going to try and post a few masculine cards each month for you all to CASE. This one here was modified from my Team Leader. The simplicity is here for sure! So quick and easy! Use the 2 1/2" circle punch on the center of the background and then with Early Espresso use the 2 3/4" and cut out a circle, then use the 2 1/2" circle punch again to make the outline for the tree. Add a couple of paper flags and some chevron ribbon (quickly becoming a favourite!), a button with some twine and ta da! Done. Add whatever sentiment you would like on the inside and you have a an easy masculine car.
I love this card! And there are so many cards that I make that I just love and being the person who I am I don't want to have to give them away. So I have now started making two of every card, this way I can give one away and keep one as a display (or reminder of how I did it!) I put a sticky note inside with all the measurements and colours that I used that way when I want to make it again the "hard" part is all done!
Well there you go a couple of tips and a quick card. Have a Dee-Liteful day

Monday, June 2, 2014

New Catalogue!

Todays the day!!! YEAH!! Finally we can order from the new Catalogue!!

This year their are sooo many items that I want, that I am going to have to contain myself and not buy it all at once! The new layout is crisp and clean and the photos of the paper are sooo much better than they used to be! I was said to see a lot of the old ribbons weren't returning but as you can see the new ribbons are beautiful! The new In-Colors are a must!

So dive in and take a look. You can view the catalogue on my website

I will be placing an order on June 4 so if you would like anything let me know!


Dee-lited to share with you

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Calendar

June is finally here and I always think of June as it finally being spring. I have the June calendar page to share with you all today. This was actually the first page I made for the calendar this past year (I know most people would start in January and work through until December, no me I have to be different) I LOVE how this page turned out. The subtle tones of the background don't distract from the photos and the simple embellishments add a bit of whismy to the page. I find patterned paper a little intimidating but the small strip at the bottom of the box adds movement and fun. Sorry for the quick post today - I am going to plant my garden and want to get outside before it decides to rain!

Have a Dee-liteful Saturday and a here's to a very creative June!
